a final fantasy blog

FF Series Cactuar Face Towel

I admit this was quite an odd purchase but I ordered this in from Play-Asia more out of my own curiosity than for any real need. The towel itself is a very vibrant green (which I love) but it appears very thin and soft so I am concerned about whether it would actually make a good towel or not. Please bear in mind this is not a full size towel; it is a face towel. As I don’t have any real need to use this I have left it sealed.

Others in the series include Chocobo and Moogle but I probably won’t end up picking these up as I’m struggling to find a purpose for this towel.


  1. They sell those, along with Moogle and Chocobo ones, at the Travelling Man in Manchester, for £6.99. I was there just the other day and considered getting getting one or two (or three!). Wish I had now.

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